How to Donate
You can make a difference
Donate Online
For a general donation to support our service, or to make a donation in memory of a loved one, you can donate by clicking on the following link :
Donate by Phone
Please call 07 5445 0822 and pay by credit or debit card.
Regular Giving
Regular monthly donations can be made to Cittamani via direct deposit. Please contact us via phone or email, and we will provide you with our bank details and your unique direct debit reference.
Phone: 07 5445 0822
An annual donation receipt is provided by us at the end of each financial year, showing your total contributions for taxation purposes.
Having the support of regular donations makes a major difference to our being able to offer specialised in-home palliative care free of charge to the Sunshine Coast community.
Leave a gift in your will
Donations over $2 are tax deductible. A.B.N. 67 110 865 560